
Faculty of Sport Science

Striving to bring about a healthier and more fulfilling society while advancing sports and physical education.

Talent development vision

The Faculty of Sport Science develops its students into globally-minded, good citizens possessing advanced intellectual capacity and sophistication along with specialized practical skill and knowledge in physical education and sport. 
In addition, the Faculty offers such education and training that enable its students to fully harness their human potential and obtain a comprehensive set of skills for effective problem-solving, organizational behavior, communication, etc., allowing them to become reliable and ready-to-perform professionals once they graduate university and enter into the real world, and continuously advance their careers thereafter.

Targeted skills

Development of advanced comprehensive skills, high undergraduate academic capacity, and employability
The Faculty’s curriculum allows the students to work on various assigned and self-selected topics and issues by involving theoretical analysis of related information, knowledge, and circumstances, and formulation and execution of plans to address them, after which the results are reviewed to optimize the plans and improve subsequent planning.
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Features of the Faculty of Sport Science

Development of competent individuals based on a well-balanced curriculum in both theory and practice
The Faculty of Sport Science was established with the mission to develop talents that are conducive to public health promotion, welfare improvement, enhancement of sports culture, and advancement of physical education. For this purpose, it is essential for students to obtain an ability to think scientifically as experts of physical education and sports through the Faculty’s comprehensive curriculum integrating theoretical aspects.
Knowledge is only valuable if it can be put to practice when and as needed. Therefore, the students at the Faculty take various courses integrating various performance and practical elements such that the theoretical knowledge they learn in lectures is put to the test. Such approach allows the students to practice and apply their learned expertise at a remarkable level in various sport-related fields where they choose to pursue their careers.
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Main lectures offered acrossthe Faculty

  • Training theories
  • Various liberal arts subjects
  • History of Nippon Sports Science University
  • Sports research
  • Sports philosophy
  • Sports psychology
  • Sports physiology
  • Hygiene/public health studies
  • Functional anatomy
  • Outdoor activity theories
  • Education principles, etc.

Main lectures offered at the Department of Physical Education

  • Coaching theories
  • Sports biomechanics
  • Measurement and evaluation theories
  • Physical education teaching methods
  • Health subject teaching methods
  • Sports training theories, etc.

Main lectures offered at the Department of Health Science

  • Health promotion theories
  • Social welfare
  • Health management studies
  • Mental health
  • Teacher (school nurse) theories
  • School health-counseling overview
  • Immunology
  • Occupational health, etc.

Training & Practicum

Main training and practicum modules offered acrossthe Faculty

  • Common fundamental training and practicums across the Faculty
  • Beach practicum
  • Camp practicum
  • Skate practicum
  • Ski practicum
  • Teaching practicum
  • Exercise prescription training, etc.

Main training and practicum modules offered at the Department of Physical Education

  • Practical methods of physical education teaching
  • Practical methods of health subject teaching
  • Practical sports coaching methods
  • Athletic trainer practicum
  • Practical athletic performance capability improvement projects
  • Conditioning training
  • Performance analysis training, etc.

Main training and practicum modules offered at the Department of Health Science

  • Consultation and assistance training
  • Consultation and assistance practicum guidance
  • School nursing practicum
  • Nursing clinical practicum
  • Hygiene/public health experiment, practicum, etc.

Sample courses

History of NSSU (including NSSU’s traditional practicum)

日体大の歴史(日体伝統実習を含む)Review of NSSU’s history cultivates a sense of self-awareness and pride as its students.
This review of NSSU’s celebrated history cultivates a sense of self-awareness and pride in each student that takes this course, which closely tracks the modern history of physical education and sports in Japan. The course allows the students to reaffirm the social duties that NSSU has been fulfilling over the years, envision the future, and foster their identity as NSSU students.

Sports Research A

スポーツ研究AIntroduction to key research topics and knowledge in physical education and sports science
This course allows the students to build a fundamental base of knowledge, upon which subsequent learning will occur in the remainder of the four years. It is designed so that the students can first glance over at the sports research projects being conducted at NSSU and identify their areas of interest. Then, each student decides on and research the specific topic of its choice, whereby practical knowledge and problem-solving skill are obtained in preparation for the more practical courses that are offered in the second and subsequent years.

Sports Physiology

スポーツ生理学Biological systems’ physiological response and adaptation to exercise and sports, explained.
This course imparts scientific knowledge on how different biological functions such as the muscular, nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems respond and adapt to the stimuli induced by exercise and sports. The lecture mainly involves familiar topics and subjects that are relevant to exercise and sports practitioners to the extent possible, and assists the students with cultivation of knowledge applicable to actual exercise and training for improving athletic performance and health in general.